Friday, February 24, 2006

wasted beauty

This is site is, well, kinda creepy. There's a wistful/funeral musicical theme on every page and sound effects for much of the artwork. It's subtle- not over-the-top creepy music that some pages hit you over the head with. You page navigation is done by crushing little flowers on the right, and clicking on dewy spider strands on the left.
The artwork itself is haunting. It's dark overtones remind me of Edward Gorey and some of the artwork from the "Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark" book series. Very E.A. Poe. I love it! I wish there were more. Luckily, there are downloads available, so grab 'em up!
My only complaint is size- on my current little screen it's almost impossible to make out any of the lettering while I'm navigating. (Maybe when my new monitor gets here, sigh...)
It's perfect for the mood I've been in this week.

(Ed. 3-6-06 Looks much better with the bigger screen, but it's still kinda small.)

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Checking in

For those of you keeping score at home it's now Me 5- Office 1. I have now officially outlasted 5 of the seven people that have worked in this office since I began almost three years ago. One assistant and four account managers later (#4 just put in her notice), and I'm still here. So is my boss.

I've decided that the other account manager position is akin to the defense Against Dark Arts Position at Hogwarts. A revolving roster of professionals with varying levels of experience, different reasons for being there, vastly different working styles..... and a short life span.

Hopefully, our Regional Manager will hire someone quickly. They don't make time-turners in the Muggle world, and the mortgage business can't run on house-elves. (Although I think the Gringott's Goblins would make mincemeat out of out more finicky customers!)

(Sigh) It makes the inner crocodiles very angry- luckily Netflix is sending me many violent, action-y movies to feed them with. (Snap-crunch!)

In other news- I really like my jewelry classes. I'll try and get some pics up on flicker as I finish some more pieces. In the meantime- a friend of mine just got hitched. There are bachelorette party pics- no strippers, but my roommates and I had to dress as men, and there are some wedding pics up. Enjoy!

And, in a move that has overjoyed a certain friend of mine, I have joined the entertaining World of WarCraft
. And in an attempt to meet all expectations- I am getting my butt kicked- seriously- I am not that great at this. (See, I'm trying to steal an egg from this cave filled with spiders, but they keep chasing me and killing me, and then they hang around my corpse so when I finally get back from the graveyard and resurrect myself they just kill me again, and, um where was I?) But what the heck- it's a learning curve, right? And I get to kill things (when they're not killing me) and that makes the crocs happy. And when the crocs are happy- I'm happy.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Ahem, we're splitting our focus...

In deference to a friend, I am making a statement obout a blog change. I have decided to multi-task. (Not that I don't already, but what-the-hey.)

There is now a separate blog for my rantings on media, entertainment,and all things mass-marketed. Check the Birds of a Feather list to the side, or hit the link to TeleRaven, my other version of me.

Yes, my ego is very healthy- thank you for asking.

For now, my more political and personal rantings will remain here. (Although the politics may migrate, it could be that time of year...)