Wednesday, May 31, 2006


Yeah, speaking of all that theatre stuff, I am in need of serious help. Props/sets/and stage monkeys all that. More even, cause we're broke. If anyone knows anyone who might be interested in buying ad space, or making a donation (they can be tax deductible- ask me how!) send them my way, for I am the woman with acess to the bank account (gasp! I know!).

Also, I now have tickets available. They are not for sale, but we are asking for a min. $10 donation. (More if you love me- I'm shameless, I have a cute face, and I'm only kinda kidding right now.) Shows are June 30th and July 1st 8pm and a matinee on Sunday the 2nd at about 3pm. Tickets are good for any show, but if you want to see it multiple times, buy multiple tickets.

The festival last weekend was awesome! I'll write more when I'm caught up on sleep.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Holy crap! I'm actually trained for this!

Theatre work. Honest-to-freaking-supreme-deity-of-your-choice, theatre work.
And it's all thanks to Nik-nack. Love 'er, she rocks!

So I'm at work and miserable (you know, just another day at the office) and I get my flashy little mail icon. Nik's sent me e-mail. Actually, it's a craigslist link to a group of gals that are starting their own theatre group. These gals aren't amateurs, they have plenty of experience between them both on both sides of the stage. But neither of them stage manage. So they like me, they really like me.

So I'm in. Officially, I'm the stage manager for their first production. But really I'm more the production manager for the entire group.

Wish me luck- first production goes up June 30. They wanted to push the first production to mid-late July, but fate intervened in the form of a really good space, fairly cheap, and only available that weekend. Next availability wasn't until much later.... so June it is!

Details will follow, and I hope we can drum up enough support to keep this thing rolling.

TheatreTheatreTheatreTheatreTheatre- It's Theatre!!!