Friday, September 30, 2005


River. Kicks. Reaver. Ass.
Admittedly, I'm very Firefly/Serenity obsessed these days to begin with, but the crocodiles are very well fed tonight indeed.
My inner-snark, inner-child, inner-sci-fi geek, and inner-action junkie are all VERY happy with Serenity. I even had a few chick moments. (sob)
Thank you, Joss.
Thank you fellow Firefly fans, for getting this green-lit.
And thank you roomies for letting me drag you to a midnight screening, 'cause I'm a geek and you love me.
Now get everyone you know to see it! That's an order!
"I am a leaf...."
Here's the requisite official site plug:

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Alias, CSI, and tequila...

There is a lovely little mexican place 'round the corner that sells a lovely little margarita that can make the world a happy little place.
Add good company and a crappy day at work seems very far away. Thanks Nic-nack!
Add a few dead bodies, some cheesy spy-stuff, and a movie (and more drinking) to come- Ahhhh, happy place- you opened the gate, so nice of you to invite me in.
Coming soon... a friend suggested I should try my hand at snarking a TV show, like my sarcasm should be shared with the world at large, so I just may have to try. To see a pro at it, check the Television w/out Pity link. They're my heroes, they keep me sane with their insanity.


The new guy decided he didn't want the job after all.
Not amused. REALLY not amused.
Looking for my happy place....
Let me in!!!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

Ranny-din thinks...

...that if I start pricing gun holsters at work, people won't bother me as much.
Just a thought.
Kinda nice thought.

Got the tix....

Gonna get me some movie time with the roomies!
We've got midnight screening tix for Serenity. (And no, my iPod's name is, well, only kinda not a coincidence.)
Ahhh, Joss Whedon, space cowboys, and chinese cursing lessons. All brought to you by your friendly neighborhood Alamo Drafthouse.
I'm gonna need that.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

And I shall call her....

Mini me!!!! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
Um, er, I mean her name is Serenity. The iPod, not the flower, the flower doesn't have a name- that would just be silly.
Everyone say "hi" to Serenity and play nice. She's new in town and she doesn't know many people.
However, she did keep me from ripping peoples' heads off today, so that was good- right?
She's a 6-gig iPod mini, and one of the last of her kind, as the fiends at Apple have discontinued the minis in favor of the nanos. Check it- they're not even advertised on the site anymore. No more yuppies color coordinating their VW Beetles to their iPods- it's criminal.
My baby- brand new and she's already outdated....
On a more somber note-
Everyone's getting ready for the hurricane. Rita's a comin' and she doesn't look happy. Cat 5 as of this posting, and headed for land Sat. morning. Best wishes and prayers for everyone in her path. Please be careful folks! Take your time, find your shelter, and keep your heads above water.

Friday, September 16, 2005

(sigh) Conformity is evil...

but I still bought an iPod, it should arrive in the next week, and I'm happy, I tell you, happy, happy, happy!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

In case you were wondering...

Breaking up with people over e-mail is BAD.
Sending your "girfriend" a picture of the new busty blonde you met while she was out of town, before or after you "break-up" is tacky.

I think my roommate deserves better, but that's my biased opinion. Challenge me if you will....

Monday, September 12, 2005

Sigh and smile...

I saw a rainbow on my way home from work today.
No day with a rainbow in it is wasted.
Smile and go play in the puddles- it's fun gosh darn it!

Friday, September 09, 2005

Expositional moment

November 22 - December 20

Stress from whatever work pressures you've been experiencing might cause you to feel a bit under the weather. Yet, you're probably unwilling to take some time off, dear Sagittarius, because you're too concerned about finishing what you're doing in a timely manner. It's important to remember that you won't finish it at all if you exhaust yourself. Move slowly and steadily, and take time out to relax a little, and all will go more smoothly than you think."
Thank you, horoscopes for summing up my week, actually, my entire month.

Warning- long entry with much exposition, griping and bitterness follows.

For those of you just tuning in, let me fill you in on my current situation. I work in a branch office of a large-ish company which has gone through quite a bit of restructuing and revamping in the two years I've been there. I've been working for this company longer than, say 98% of the rest of the employees- including the president and nearly all of the management. For awhile it felt like "Survivor" the office edition.
My office has (or I should say is supposed to have) three people. Two account managers and me, the assistant, the go-fetch girl, the have- you- seen- the whatever-it-is lady of the desk. Only currently, there are two of us doing the work of three, and honestly somtimes I think four would be a good idea. Just occasionally, not full-time, just someone to answer the flaming phone so I can get some real work done once in awhile. The new guy is coming (or so I'm told), he should be in by the end of the month. We get to train him, but that's gonna be another issue- I'm sure I'll get there when he starts.
Anyway- it's been busy. I've been brining work home, going in after hours, and generally, I'm exhausted. Tired. Considering looking for new employment if things don't re-arrange after the new guy starts. I need a vacation, so does my boss- she hasn't had more than a day or afternoon off since she started over a year ago.
I despise leaving things half done, I was always one to pull the all-nighter to get the paper done in one setting so it didn't drag out. Leaving a project mid-whatever to fix something else irks me to no end, and that's all I've been doing lately. Start project Q from top of (a currently rather large)stack. Stop. Urgent e-mail- go find contract. Reply to e-mail. Start Q again. Stop. Phone call. Find document X, fax to secret location. Start. Stop. Phone again, this time about the fax, could I please find documents Y and Z to go with X? Yup. Faxing. Where was I? Ah- start again. Boss calls out- "When you have a minute (aka- now) can you run project W?". *&%@! Stop. Grab W from bottom of stack, return Q to top of stack, start W. Stop. Rince, repeat, and run screaming into the night.

Am I luckier than most- yes. I have a job that pays the bills and for school. It's realtively easy work, if time-consuming and stressful, and whist I don't really like my immediate co-workers, I don't come home in tears. I'm getting to the point where I do what I can, remind my boss I'm only one person, and try to let it go. Is there something better out there for me- possibly, probably, but I've gotten to the point where the devil you know....

I am alive.
I have friends who feed me comfort food, buy me drinks and listen to my whining with infinite patience.
My cat loves me.
And I think that makes it a lot better.

An introduction... or laying the blame.

Ahem, hello? Anyone there?
Welcome to the newest window into my psyche. As I begin to wonder as I wander through the reaches of my own mind, posting as I come across something, well, something-ish, I give you this caveat: Don't Panic. As this will be the Hitchhiker's Guide to Me, I may ask you to please bring you seat into it's full, upright position, return your tray tables to the backs of your seats, and please don't exit the vehicle until it has come to a complete and final stop. I hate cleaning squished friends off my blog, and there may be some sudden truns and abrubt stops ahead.
The picture is, I believe, Dali's "Still Life Moving Fast." Kinda appropriate.
Just for the record- this is all Nymwae's fault. If you don't like me- go bother her. Actually, if you hate me you won't like her either, so maybe you should leave her alone. Or give us both hate mail. Or not- that's really mean, and spiteful, and wrong, and, well, mean. Yeah, "mean" works for me- good for you?
Anywhoo- she's the one who finally worked me up to this.. Actually she had a great deal of help dragging me into bloggerdom, but I prefer to let her do her own finger pointing....