Wednesday, September 21, 2005

And I shall call her....

Mini me!!!! Mwah-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!!
Um, er, I mean her name is Serenity. The iPod, not the flower, the flower doesn't have a name- that would just be silly.
Everyone say "hi" to Serenity and play nice. She's new in town and she doesn't know many people.
However, she did keep me from ripping peoples' heads off today, so that was good- right?
She's a 6-gig iPod mini, and one of the last of her kind, as the fiends at Apple have discontinued the minis in favor of the nanos. Check it- they're not even advertised on the site anymore. No more yuppies color coordinating their VW Beetles to their iPods- it's criminal.
My baby- brand new and she's already outdated....
On a more somber note-
Everyone's getting ready for the hurricane. Rita's a comin' and she doesn't look happy. Cat 5 as of this posting, and headed for land Sat. morning. Best wishes and prayers for everyone in her path. Please be careful folks! Take your time, find your shelter, and keep your heads above water.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Above water? Crap. That means I'm going to have to re draft my Rita Rita's.

Hi Serenity.