Monday, December 19, 2005

He's back!

Awww, Georgie, we missed ya!

Check it out- Georgie's got his little buddy Al saying congress OK'd domestic wire-tapping as a part of the measures that were passed in the wake of 9-11.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but weren't those measures for use of military force? The NSA 1) isn't an arm of the military, and 2) if the tapping was only to occur if one of the two (or more) parties involved had "ties" to al Qaida and was out of the country, who determined the connection? If the CIA can't properly deal with its own intelligence (or lack thereof), we're supposed to believe Georgie can?
Pardon me while I go beat my head against a post.
But it appears that it's Congress to the rescue. (yea?) Prominent members from both sides of the aisle are looking into hearings, so there will certainly be more to this story. Woo-hoo!

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