Friday, December 16, 2005

Investing in ice skates; or, waiting for the other shoe to drop.

OK- where is Georgie, and who is this guy?
Now he's OK-ing Sen. McCain's Anti Torture bill.

Granted the Senate and House had to bloody his nose a little to get him to do it, but still.... I'd hate to have to start liking the guy.

Actually, this is one of those issues that ethicists and legal eagles (and those of us with former aspirations to both) love to chew over, spit out in disgust and chew over again. Even I still have a metaphorical hand on that fence. While I whole-heartedly, and unreservedly support any legislation that will make torture illegal (or at least get us back in line with the Geneva Conventions), you can't help but wonder about that one case in a thousand. Ain't rampant paranoia a hoot?
And I'm not the only one wondering about that. Michel Kinsley of wrote a pretty good piece hearkening back to that wonderful ethics-class debate of "What if you were alone with Hitler in his cradle- would you kill him?" and coming up on what I tend to think of as the "Didn't I just see that on '24'?" scenario of a lone terrorist having vital information on an imminent attack. I had a class spend two whole class periods discussing and arguing the Hitler question alone- I didn't sleep well that entire week, and the professors flat-out refused to let us even bring up the other issue. Here's Kinsley's article for those of you who like chasing links 'round the net:

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