Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Liam the Lonely; a Little Lost Lizard

My good deed for the day. I don't know how (and I'm not sure I want to) but one of the lizards that live in the bushes outside my office building ended up in the hall. On the third floor. I thought he was dead, but he did this little skitter move when I went past him...

Tell you the truth, I felt pretty sorry for the guy. They keep the AC so cranked in this building that his little cold-blooded toes must've been numb.

So I picked him up, he really didn't protest too much and he was only half the size of my pinkie, so I kinda had him beat in the size dept. And I carried him downstairs and out the door. He perked right up in the sunlight, and when I set him down, he scuttled off into the bushes like he belonged there.

Well he did belong there, but you get what I mean.

Nice little interlude to an otherwise blah day....

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