Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Memory Lane

So it started with an idle conversation via e-mail and a chat board. I think we were talking about things we did as kids (or as younger adults) that we wish we had more time to do.

And I started talking about writing. I used to write a lot, ask Ebon Butterfly over there, she used to contribute, and I kept it up until about high school. Now and again I've started things up and I would set them aside as they always began to feel more epic than I wanted to tackle.

So my friend bounced me over to one of the fanfic sites she occasionally contributes to, and she asked me if I would ever consider writing something like that. I kinda hemmed and hawed, and perched myself on the fence for awhile, mulling it over. And then it hit me like a big bolt of "Duh!" upside the head. When I started writing as a kid, it was fanfic. I took the characters from cartoons and later from books and wove them into my version of the world.

That more of less decided it. The genre makes me feel kinda geeky, but it just feels good to be writing again. It's all work in progress. The community I'm posting in is pretty supportive, and until they tell me to stop, I just might keep truckin.' Who knows where it might lead? If I get comfortable with the fanfic, I might branch out to one of those forgotten projects. Maybe finish one out.

And an extra thanks to EB, who's enthusiasm over her current project reminded me how much I missed it myself.

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