Wednesday, September 14, 2005

In case you were wondering...

Breaking up with people over e-mail is BAD.
Sending your "girfriend" a picture of the new busty blonde you met while she was out of town, before or after you "break-up" is tacky.

I think my roommate deserves better, but that's my biased opinion. Challenge me if you will....


Anonymous said...

I'm disturbed by what he did.. Jordan's right when he says you see a person's true colors when they're breaking someone's heart.

In all the time those two spent together, the coward could have made time to tell her how he feels rather than play with her emotions.

I hope she spends the rest of her early twenties pursuing her dreams without apology. It's an envious position.

Anonymous said...

thanks guys! I do plan to pursue my dreams. It was silly of me to even think about giving up on my for some stupid guy.

Ravenscar said...

Love ya, darlin!

Anonymous said...

What bothers me the most is that he did not even respect what the our work. As if for some strange reason fashion has no merits, and textiles is for wimpy girls. Well I leave you with this. Without designers, the world would be naked, and frankly with people like that walking around, the world would be a lot uglier! So I say, zip to the ole' NYC and experince what the city has to offer. I think your chance has come around and you should take it.