Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Memory Lane

So it started with an idle conversation via e-mail and a chat board. I think we were talking about things we did as kids (or as younger adults) that we wish we had more time to do.

And I started talking about writing. I used to write a lot, ask Ebon Butterfly over there, she used to contribute, and I kept it up until about high school. Now and again I've started things up and I would set them aside as they always began to feel more epic than I wanted to tackle.

So my friend bounced me over to one of the fanfic sites she occasionally contributes to, and she asked me if I would ever consider writing something like that. I kinda hemmed and hawed, and perched myself on the fence for awhile, mulling it over. And then it hit me like a big bolt of "Duh!" upside the head. When I started writing as a kid, it was fanfic. I took the characters from cartoons and later from books and wove them into my version of the world.

That more of less decided it. The genre makes me feel kinda geeky, but it just feels good to be writing again. It's all work in progress. The community I'm posting in is pretty supportive, and until they tell me to stop, I just might keep truckin.' Who knows where it might lead? If I get comfortable with the fanfic, I might branch out to one of those forgotten projects. Maybe finish one out.

And an extra thanks to EB, who's enthusiasm over her current project reminded me how much I missed it myself.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Of all the... people are just stupid. Somewhere in Oregon a woman decided to call 911 to get the phone number of a cute cop that had come to her house.


The f*%$. The cute cop went back to the house, and arrested the woman. Ha!

Dude- 911?! Are you kidding me?! *shakes head*

So speaking of stupid. (Oooooh- a segue! Cool!)

The Overboss came. The Overboss talked in circles (and circles, and circles, and circles...). And The Overboss went. And there was much rejoicing (yea!).

So where am I job-wise? In a holding pattern, big surprise there, right? But I have slightly more money and carte balance to work overtime if I need it. (Need more work? HA! As if. Although I'll probably still use it just to get s*%# done around here.) It was a lot more of the same, although The Overboss showed me an interesting e-mail from a Vice-Supreme Ruler. How I blipped on her radar is beyond my ken, but blip I did, and she liked the sound. She sent The Overboss an unprompted e-mail lauding my talents.

But get this- and this is where the stupid comes in. We've been in the insane whirling vortex of "not enough hours in the day" for a few years now. There too much work for two "Bosses" and not quite enough for a third. And since the Bosses all get paid on commission, they can't spread the work too thin. Understandable. But now San Antonio's office is having the same problem. So instead of maybe hiring a new Boss to split the time between the two offices and take overflow from each- we are probably getting an, um, a MidBoss (?), which would be under The Overboss and over the Bosses here and in San Antonio.

Unless the MidBoss is going to be a producer his/herself, I don't see how this is going to help us. At All. Just one more dragon breathing down our necks. Yea, indeed.

So back to that holding pattern thing. I'm basically staying put for the next month or so. For three reasons.
1. I asked for and got permission to keep my Minion (temp) until a new Boss gets out here and is settled, so I won't sail back in to the pit of doom I was in during the last restructure. (Unless this Minion is vanquished and I have to conjure a new one. Good Minions are hard to find and hard to train and if I have to start over- Oi vey!)
2. A Boss from Houston is working on the not-so-dearly departed's loans, and since she's been with the company for 7 years, she actually knows what she's doing. (Unlike the last two McStupids that had been sent out here to "help.")
3. I like the current Boss. He's silly. I respect that. I don't want to send him into the dark, dark cave with all the trolls, demons, and other assorted ickies with just a Minion to defend him. So we'll stick it out with him until the new Boss arrives.

Then we re-evaluate. Again.

The raise thing is a good/bad and not really what I'm considering a major reason for staying. It's not what I think I deserve, but this company is REALLY tightfisted and the other divisions are facing layoffs at the moment. I was lucky to get anything. And the overtime will help. (Case in point, here it is, 5:45 pm and I'm still here. Cha-ching!)

So that's it. I'm about to head home. Later y'all!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hear the sound of the poundy heart drums..

OK, so the key word here is trepidation. That sinking feeling of dread with which one approaches an event. Heart's in your throat, and your fighting that fight or flight response.

Not that this is as bad as all that, but it's the general feeling I have at this point. The regional manager (aka- The Overboss as he was dubbed awhile back) is coming out to the branch. Normally it's not a big deal, he's just a little annoying with all the hovering he does. (It's not like anything actually changes before or after his little visits.) But this time it's more nerve-wracking, because he's more or less just coming out to see me. And when he's gone, I might be, too.

Not that I think I'm getting fired! Don't everyone freak out on me! Should've typed that one better, sorry!

It's just one of the things he's coming to talk about are my issues with the current situation. Which really isn't as much a "current situation" anymore as it is an ongoing problem. There will also be a discussion about money. I have been told there is more in my future, but after what happened the last time we had that little talk, I'm not really going to hold out any hope of a decent raise until he actually throws a number at me. And what really ruffles my feathers- is that apparently he's already gotten the raise approved, without even going over it with me to see if I tought it was equitable to the hellish freakshow of an office I'm stuck in!

Seriously, I'm not looking forward to this. I hate this situation, and I hate job hunting, but I am so ready to walk, I'm halfway out the door.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Curtain Down- Party Time!

So the show's done.

I'm a little sad about that. The response we got was so impressive and more than we expected, that we were kinda upset that we couldn't run longer. There's been talk about possibly re-staging it at a later date, but I doubt that will fly. It just won't be the same.

And I'm not sure we'd want to try, in any case. We had a spectacular run, over 100 people more than we were expecting. The houses were enthusiastic and supportive, and we got more media coverage than we expected in the form of a last-minute radio spot on one of the major stations here in town. We made more than enough to recoup our costs, and give us a push for the next show and that's a really happy place to be. Always leave 'em wanting more.

But the post-show exhaustion was a bi*&$. I had to go into work on Monday and I was just wiped out. I had no energy, which was really not a good thing as now we're down to one LO (again!). Luckily the phones were mercifully silent and I was able to leave early so I could take a nap. Which- turned out was another really good thing as later that night I helped clean the house for the 4th of July Extravaganza and BBQ at my place.

Yeah, 'bout that party... hmmm. All that cleaning went away really fast and now it looks like a BBQ bomb went off. I don't think there's a clean dish in the house, and I believe there are some very interesting stories to be told... that probably won't be told here. 'Cause I'm a Lady and that would be WRONG. But hit up Nik-nack's blog, I'm sure she'll dish over there. It's where I go for all my dirt.

(Hey- you! I heard that! No laughing!)

So it's back to the grind, and hopefully no meltdowns. I'm really not happy with this one LO crap again. The Overboss is coming out to chat and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I'm gone. I want to stay and help, 'cause the current LO is still new and I'd hate to leave him out in the cold, but my nerves just can't do this anymore. I'll let ya know what's going on...