Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Curtain Down- Party Time!

So the show's done.

I'm a little sad about that. The response we got was so impressive and more than we expected, that we were kinda upset that we couldn't run longer. There's been talk about possibly re-staging it at a later date, but I doubt that will fly. It just won't be the same.

And I'm not sure we'd want to try, in any case. We had a spectacular run, over 100 people more than we were expecting. The houses were enthusiastic and supportive, and we got more media coverage than we expected in the form of a last-minute radio spot on one of the major stations here in town. We made more than enough to recoup our costs, and give us a push for the next show and that's a really happy place to be. Always leave 'em wanting more.

But the post-show exhaustion was a bi*&$. I had to go into work on Monday and I was just wiped out. I had no energy, which was really not a good thing as now we're down to one LO (again!). Luckily the phones were mercifully silent and I was able to leave early so I could take a nap. Which- turned out was another really good thing as later that night I helped clean the house for the 4th of July Extravaganza and BBQ at my place.

Yeah, 'bout that party... hmmm. All that cleaning went away really fast and now it looks like a BBQ bomb went off. I don't think there's a clean dish in the house, and I believe there are some very interesting stories to be told... that probably won't be told here. 'Cause I'm a Lady and that would be WRONG. But hit up Nik-nack's blog, I'm sure she'll dish over there. It's where I go for all my dirt.

(Hey- you! I heard that! No laughing!)

So it's back to the grind, and hopefully no meltdowns. I'm really not happy with this one LO crap again. The Overboss is coming out to chat and if I don't like what I'm hearing, I'm gone. I want to stay and help, 'cause the current LO is still new and I'd hate to leave him out in the cold, but my nerves just can't do this anymore. I'll let ya know what's going on...

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