Friday, July 14, 2006

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Of all the... people are just stupid. Somewhere in Oregon a woman decided to call 911 to get the phone number of a cute cop that had come to her house.


The f*%$. The cute cop went back to the house, and arrested the woman. Ha!

Dude- 911?! Are you kidding me?! *shakes head*

So speaking of stupid. (Oooooh- a segue! Cool!)

The Overboss came. The Overboss talked in circles (and circles, and circles, and circles...). And The Overboss went. And there was much rejoicing (yea!).

So where am I job-wise? In a holding pattern, big surprise there, right? But I have slightly more money and carte balance to work overtime if I need it. (Need more work? HA! As if. Although I'll probably still use it just to get s*%# done around here.) It was a lot more of the same, although The Overboss showed me an interesting e-mail from a Vice-Supreme Ruler. How I blipped on her radar is beyond my ken, but blip I did, and she liked the sound. She sent The Overboss an unprompted e-mail lauding my talents.

But get this- and this is where the stupid comes in. We've been in the insane whirling vortex of "not enough hours in the day" for a few years now. There too much work for two "Bosses" and not quite enough for a third. And since the Bosses all get paid on commission, they can't spread the work too thin. Understandable. But now San Antonio's office is having the same problem. So instead of maybe hiring a new Boss to split the time between the two offices and take overflow from each- we are probably getting an, um, a MidBoss (?), which would be under The Overboss and over the Bosses here and in San Antonio.

Unless the MidBoss is going to be a producer his/herself, I don't see how this is going to help us. At All. Just one more dragon breathing down our necks. Yea, indeed.

So back to that holding pattern thing. I'm basically staying put for the next month or so. For three reasons.
1. I asked for and got permission to keep my Minion (temp) until a new Boss gets out here and is settled, so I won't sail back in to the pit of doom I was in during the last restructure. (Unless this Minion is vanquished and I have to conjure a new one. Good Minions are hard to find and hard to train and if I have to start over- Oi vey!)
2. A Boss from Houston is working on the not-so-dearly departed's loans, and since she's been with the company for 7 years, she actually knows what she's doing. (Unlike the last two McStupids that had been sent out here to "help.")
3. I like the current Boss. He's silly. I respect that. I don't want to send him into the dark, dark cave with all the trolls, demons, and other assorted ickies with just a Minion to defend him. So we'll stick it out with him until the new Boss arrives.

Then we re-evaluate. Again.

The raise thing is a good/bad and not really what I'm considering a major reason for staying. It's not what I think I deserve, but this company is REALLY tightfisted and the other divisions are facing layoffs at the moment. I was lucky to get anything. And the overtime will help. (Case in point, here it is, 5:45 pm and I'm still here. Cha-ching!)

So that's it. I'm about to head home. Later y'all!

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