Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Hear the sound of the poundy heart drums..

OK, so the key word here is trepidation. That sinking feeling of dread with which one approaches an event. Heart's in your throat, and your fighting that fight or flight response.

Not that this is as bad as all that, but it's the general feeling I have at this point. The regional manager (aka- The Overboss as he was dubbed awhile back) is coming out to the branch. Normally it's not a big deal, he's just a little annoying with all the hovering he does. (It's not like anything actually changes before or after his little visits.) But this time it's more nerve-wracking, because he's more or less just coming out to see me. And when he's gone, I might be, too.

Not that I think I'm getting fired! Don't everyone freak out on me! Should've typed that one better, sorry!

It's just one of the things he's coming to talk about are my issues with the current situation. Which really isn't as much a "current situation" anymore as it is an ongoing problem. There will also be a discussion about money. I have been told there is more in my future, but after what happened the last time we had that little talk, I'm not really going to hold out any hope of a decent raise until he actually throws a number at me. And what really ruffles my feathers- is that apparently he's already gotten the raise approved, without even going over it with me to see if I tought it was equitable to the hellish freakshow of an office I'm stuck in!

Seriously, I'm not looking forward to this. I hate this situation, and I hate job hunting, but I am so ready to walk, I'm halfway out the door.

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